Capes on the Couch - Captain Marvel

We women don’t have to prove shit! When men go nutters about a “feminist agenda,” or whatever, why waste your time arguing with ignorance? Just do what you know you need to do! Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, Wonder Woman, all the superhero women created are super because they are busy being super not trying to get idiots to understand why they are super. Women, we are super. We don’t have to explain it. Never waste your time explaining why you are super. 

The gentlemen of Capes on the Couch points out how Carol Danvers simply does her job and is a bad ass. She isn't trying to prove herself. She just is. In the past, the women I have worked for who were the most successful and who inspired me were the women who were exceptional yet never proved they were exceptional women. I always noticed that they demanded the respect of both men and women without ”demanding” it, but by merit. By their works. Those who didn't give respect never phased these women. These women simply didn't have time for the ignorance of the prejudice. Carol Danvers models such women. She has a world to save. Ignorant men who do not care for the way she handles things have the right to complain. But, while they are complaining, she will save their lives without a second thought.

Check out this amazing and honest podcast about the current Captain Marvel! 


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